REDC is pleased to announce the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast has taken residence at the REDC Training Center. Though the two organizations are remaining independent entities, their missions parallel in ways that are fitting for the two to collaborate and share resources under the same roof.
REDC’s mission focuses on overall economic growth for the region, through job creation and retention. With job creation comes the need for housing for workers of different income levels. The Workforce Housing Coalition aims to help with that side of economic development. The mission of the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast is to be a catalyst, through a united coalition of business, government, and community groups, for the development of a range of housing options for the diverse workforce of the greater seacoast of New Hampshire and Maine.
Sarah Garstka, the Workforce Housing Coalition’s Director stated, “It makes sense for us to work collaboratively because you can’t separate housing from the economy. Housing brings people and people are the workforce. Young professionals have been leaving the state at alarmingly high rates due, in part, to NH’s lack of affordable housing. As aging workers retire, businesses are struggling to find employees. We are grateful to the REDC for embarking on this mission with us. We anticipate this arrangement will be nourishing to the WHC’s mission. The REDC will help us grow our capacity and strengthen our impact."

Laurel Adams, REDC President remarked, “We are pleased to have the Workforce Housing Coalition under the same roof as REDC. Through our work with the CEDS, we have seen data each year show us that NH has an aging population, as well as outmigration of youth, which are major problems. One of the keys to keeping young people working in New Hampshire is diversified and affordable housing for them to live in. The strategic planning process is integral to developing our policies and programs, and this partnership with the WHC will help us meet our affordable housing goals. Their valuable mission and efforts to move the needle on the workforce housing issues in southern New Hampshire strengthens our region and we’re pleased to be able to help with that mission.”
To learn more about the WHC, please visit
Sarah Garstka, the Workforce Housing Coalition’s Director