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We help entrepreneurs 
in New Hampshire start or grow their small business.

We do this by providing alternative financing to new, growing, and challenged small businesses. We also provide no-cost business advising for entrepreneurs starting or growing a business in New Hampshire. 

Owners of Haseltine Builders pose with a "Funded by REDC" sign in front of a colorful backdrop

Alternative Financing

Working independently or in partnership with local lenders, the Regional Economic Development Center (REDC) helps complete small businesses and local projects by providing alternative financing, which in turn leads to job creation.


We serve new, growing, and challenged businesses. Whether you need to find a lending partner, finance an expansion, or need assistance with restructuring, REDC can help.


Graphic of person at computer on desk

of REDC loans were to startups

Symbol for women


of REDC loans were to women-owned businesses

Symbol of three different people representing diversity


of REDC loans were to minority-owned businesses

REDC staff providing clients with a loan for their business in New Hampshire

Business Advising

REDC offers no-cost business advising to start-ups, growing companies, and aspiring entrepreneurs in business plan development, financial planning, and marketing and design planning. 


We want to see all our clients succeed. Making sure they are equipped with the right tools to grow their business is how we make that happen.


REDC President Laurel Adams with loan clients in front of world map


REDC recognizes strong economic growth is not the result of only lending to small businesses, but of supporting many needs of a community through resources and opportunities.


We are always growing programs to help strenthen our region and communities. Here are a few examples of that.



REDC created a Resiliency Plan for the region, which provides best management practices for businesses and municipalities designed to increase resiliency to short term and long term disruptions in the economy. 

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

REDC develops a plan that outlines a region's economic development needs and goals. It emerges from a continuous planning process developed with a broad based and diverse community participation that addresses the economic potential of an area.



REDC has a loan fund that provides loans and sub-grants to support clean-up activities and re-development planning for sites contaminated with hazardous substances.

Dan Gray speaks at a podium in the REDC Training Center Classroom in front of a seated audience

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